This "scrapbook" is collected documents of an 18-month project to examine the legacy and ongoing threat of displacement in Pittsburgh's Hill District.
AUTHORS: Assembled by Anthony Robins with the help of Terri Baltimore, Rich Brown, Mindy Thompson Fullilove, Robert Fullilove, and Tracy Myers
Center for Minority Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh; 1999.
This is not a typical case of outside experts brought into a neighborhood. Through their style and personalities, Robert and Mindy [Fullilove] became, with dozens of Hill residents, co-creators of a movement of citizen participation and mutual policy making that remembered the 1960’s “maximum feasible participation” philosophy, and added new understanding of grassroots organizing and the way policy and practice in neighborhoods can be a real partnership.
The record of what happened since their arrival in Pittsburgh is the body of this scrapbook. These pages of text and photographs are a collected history of The Hill, its people, its institutions and neighborhoods. These are stories of people who have lived for decades on those streets and people who will create a new his-tory from stories of the Thelma Lovettes, the Carl Redwoods, and countless others who have created a special place in Pittsburgh.
